Corporate Services 

Backoffice operations represent some of the major challenges any corporation faces while at the same time, are business opportunities to corporations that specialize in offering Backoffice services to other organizations. 

Enara has been assisting clients focused on Corporate services such as:

  • Centralizing 3rd party information for external access .
  • Digitization of paper records.
  • Automating Invoice Processing .
  • ECM R/Link for SAP (Finance and HR).
  • Enabling worldwide access to central repositories.

Enara has also assisted corporations with streamlining their own Backoffice operations in areas like:

Contracts Management

Human Resource Management

Training tracks

Asset Management

Accounts Payable

and more

By empowering Backoffice operations with Intelligent Information Management solutions (IIM), an organization will:

  • Unify back office data and processes.
  • Reduce operational costs.
  • Improve productivity.
  • Improve customer service.
  • Enable compliance.
  • Minimize administration.
  • Give users a single interface for daily operational tasks.

Backoffice IIM solutions include:

Version Control

Audit Trails



Document Management

MS Office Integration

Outlook integration

much more out of the box and add-ons

Call us today and talk to one of our associates       1.613.963.0421 

  • 275 Slater Street, Suite # 928
  • +1 (613) 963-0421