Enara’s experience with the financial services started in the mid 90’s in Toronto
Canada and in the year 2000, Enara won a Wall Street Bank as a client.
Over the years, we have assisted many organizations with their Information Management needs and evolved solutions to meet specific industry requirements.
The Financial industry is a regulated one with constant changes geared towards information protection, automation, integrity and lately, information intelligence. 

Solutions deployed into the financial industry included core modules such as:


Document Management

Version Control

Audit Trails


Over the past few years, these modules assisted in meeting regulations such as Suspicious Activity Reports and Suspicious transactions.

Traditionally, detecting links between possible suspicious activities or transactions required detailed searches, mapping of information and collecting all related information, in content and data.While this was and still is possible, it is time consuming and might not produce a complete view.

By enabling current advancements in information management technologies, activities or accounts or personal data that might not be readily visible as linked, or that might reside in different repositories, but that are actually linked through association of some deep level data, can be displayed in result lists and can b mapped to show how and where those links are. Providing accurate data results with the ability to browse data relationships, even in tree views, to end users, allows faster detection, processing and reporting of activities and that in turn provides additional safety measures to the overall operation of the financial institute.

Intelligent Information Management has many benefits to the financial industry including, but not limited to:

  • Instant access to relevant and associated information
  • Unified information views
  • Compliance enablement to regulatory requirements
  • Robust security, federated authentication, file encryption and data        loss prevention
  •  Workflow automation based on existing rules and with the        assistance of Artificial Intelligent engines 
  • Elevated customer satisfaction experience
  • A tool supporting organizational profitability

Call us today and talk to one of our associates       1.613.963.0421 

  • 222 Queen Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5V9  (10th Floor)
  • info@enarainc.com
  • +1 (613) 963-0421